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Why does the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department provide tax incentives for family offices?

Family offices in Hong Kong are defined as businesses owned or controlled by one or more family members, aimed at providing financial, investment, and management services to family members. The Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department provides tax incentives for family offices primarily to promote the development of family businesses and maintain Hong Kong's competitiveness.

Specifically, the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department provides the following tax incentives for family offices:

1. Tax exemptions: Dividends, interest, or rent earned by family offices can be exempt from Hong Kong's profits tax and business tax.

2. Stamp duty reductions: Shares issued by family offices in Hong Kong can enjoy reductions in stamp duty.

These tax incentives help promote the development and innovation of Hong Kong's family businesses, attract more family businesses to invest and set up operations in Hong Kong, and create more opportunities for Hong Kong's economy and employment. In addition, Hong Kong hopes to attract more international family businesses to set up family offices in Hong Kong by providing these tax incentives, further enhancing Hong Kong's international competitiveness.

Family offices are an increasingly popular way for wealthy families to manage their assets and investments. By offering tax incentives for family offices, Hong Kong aims to attract more of these businesses to set up operations in the city. This helps to promote Hong Kong as a hub for family offices and wealth management services, which can in turn attract more high-net-worth individuals and families to Hong Kong.

In addition, family offices can play an important role in supporting the development of local businesses and start-ups. By providing financial and management expertise to these companies, family offices can help them grow and succeed. This can have a positive impact on Hong Kong's economy and employment, as well as on the broader business community.

Lastly, by providing tax incentives for family offices, Hong Kong is able to compete with other financial centers around the world. Many other countries and regions, such as Singapore, have also implemented similar tax incentives in order to attract family offices and promote wealth management services. By offering these incentives, Hong Kong can maintain its position as a leading financial center in the region and stay competitive in the global marketplace.


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